Olivier Thiel*
Senior Managing Director of France, Germany, Poland and Spain and Head of Development Belgium

Chief Executive Officer - Immobel Spain.

*as permanent representative of SRL Queen-K.

Javier Reviriego
Managing Director of Spain

Chief Executive Officer - Immobel Spain.

Immobel Social Fund

En plus de la durabilité directement liée à nos projets, nous contribuons également au bien de la société en reversant jusqu’à 1 % de nos bénéfices* à des associations caritatives dans les domaines de la santé,de la culture et de l’inclusion sociale.

En savoir plus sur notre programme de mécénat
Madrid - Spain



To know more about Immobel in Spain, please contact:

Javier Reviriego
Email: [email protected]

Exploring a relatively new market

In line with Immobel’s strategy to extend its international activities, we started up the development of a first and one-of-a-kind project in Marbella. At the same time, we are exploring further opportunities on the Spanish market.

Our presence in Spain